There once was a site built upon hard work and naive ideas. I rebuilt it many times, always ending up with what was really just a highly integrated CMS and site-design. Then I tried Drupal WolfCMS... screw it, let's go static. Hugo seems nice. ;-)

Email: josh
GPG: 9B848C82E154D3E5231DB353D465B33F6BA78ABA


June 24, 2017 22:07
New addition to my garage :-) '82 Suzuki GS750E. My bikes are getting OLDER rather than younger, lol
April 1, 2017 15:20
Oh... Uhmmm... That might be why pci doesn't work. Guess that crappy little fan was necessary.
March 19, 2017 15:07
First fit with printed layout, perfect. :-) Now to order boards and parts!
March 13, 2017 10:02
"Out With A Bang!" pics :-)
March 11, 2017 11:24
My previous bedroom is gone :-( Article says everyone mostly fine, just a few burns.
Firefighter, resident have minor injuries in kitchen fire
March 3, 2017 17:54
Gigantic kinderegg!
February 18, 2017 13:28
Step one: facing out so I can actually reach engine. :-)
February 10, 2017 23:10
Lol, wigging out at Matt's, because why not?
February 3, 2017 17:42
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<sip of beer, breath>ooooooooooooooooooot :-)